Are you in need of an “Easy Business Phone System” in Gastonia NC? One that checks all of the boxes on your “must have” list? Our phone system is easy to use and very easy to maintain! What if we told you that our phone system was 100% FREE of Charge? That means: FREE DESKTOP PHONES, FREE INSTALLATION AND FREE SET UP FEES! Plus, you get to keep your current phone numbers! So, Dial 704-235-4949 or visit our contact page to get in touch with us.
So how do we do it? We try to make everything as simple as possible for our customers.
Its as easy as 1 -2 -3
- Count up how many desktop business phones your company will need at your office.
- Call our office directly at 704-235-4949 and one of our customer service representatives will set up an on site appointment to meet with you.
- After our site meeting, we will send you a quote for a brand new “easy phone system” that is cloud based (accessible from any Internet browser). The quote will show in detail that we are not charging you anything for the phones, installation or the set up charges, everything is absolutely FREE. All you need to do is click on the green button labeled “Accept Quote” and we take care of everything for you!
Now, wasn’t that simple? We think so! In addition to this, we have helped hundreds of Charlotte customers lower their phone bill with our cloud based (VOIP) phone service. If you are currently with ATT, Spectrum or Windstream, you can expect to see huge savings on your phone bill. Some of our clients have seen 80% savings! So why stay with your old, out of date phone system when you can get a new, easy to use phone system for FREE!
Most of our competitors have not adopted this technology yet, and that is Ok. We are quietly upgrading all of Charlotte businesses with state of the art desktop phones to connect to our secure servers through their internet service. We tell you our phone system is easy because it truly is. All you need is an Internet connection and that is it… no special equipment in your computer room, no special routers are needed, no static IP addresses are required either. Simply plug the phones in and off you go!
Looking for what features are included? We have all the features you will ever need and some you may not have thought of, like: Voicemail to Email, Call recording, answer calls through our APP, block telemarketers etc… read up on our great phone system features here . Now you can make changes to your phone system by simply logging into our secure, encrypted portal from anywhere you can access the Internet. Make changes to your company greetings with only a few clicks and your done! We have all the features that you come to expect like: Call Transfer, Call Forwarding, Voicemail to Email, Call Conferencing, Transfer direct to Voicemail.
How would you like to block those annoying telemarketers? With a few clicks, those telemarketers will never reach you again! We also have many other helpful features like Call Accounting, Call Recording, Do Not Disturb and Call Parking. You can even upload your own “messaging on hold” so your customers can hear your targeted message while on hold on your phone system.
So what are you waiting for? Call us today to get your free phone system tomorrow!
Dial our office directly at 704-235-4949.